1ST,3RD,5TH & 6TH SEMESTER (REGULAR & EX-REGULAR) WINTER-2024 EXAM.SCHEDULE   ||   Allotted of Regd No for 3rd Sem Lateral Admission Session-2024-25   ||   Allotted of Regd No for 1st Sem Fresher Admission Session-2024-25   ||   Revised of Academic Calendar Session-2024-25   ||   Notice for Eligible of mercy chance students list of Ex-regular Formfillup Winter-2024   ||  

About Us

About Us

Utkal Institute of Engineering & Technology (UIET) is established by Chheta Devi Educational and Charitable Trust to cultivate and promote the education in the State of meet the need of technical man power for nation building. Dedicated efforts have been taken to make Institute a sine-equa-non amidst its co-institutions with in the state. The institute is spreaded over an area of Ac 5.040 decimal at mouza Rathipur, Po: Kantia, Jatni, Bhubaneswar having all pre requisites to cadre the need of its students. Situated in a greenish and silent atmosphere, the Institutional area speculates a separate reading atmosphere where a student becomes self hypnotized to studies.


The Institute is approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) and affiliated to the Directorate of Technical Education, Orissa and the State Council of Technical Education & Vocational Training (SCTE & VT), Orissa

Chairman, Director & Principal

With the ambitious attitude to enlighten the Technical knowledge at par with the global industrialization, the unit of Chheta Devi Educational and Charitable Trust lunched it’s initial effort in establishing the unit under the banner, the name and style of ‘Utkal Institute of Engineering and Technology’ from the academic session 2009-10. inspirations of global industrialization as Tran scripted in Orissa envisages establishment and development of industrial sectors on the field of steel, Energy, Aluminium, Ports etc. which would be advertently.

Principal: Dr(Er) Bibhuti Bhusan Samantaray

Dr(Er) Bibhuti Bhusan Samantaray, the Principal of the Institute is a highly potential hand. He is Doctorate in Business Management & Skill Development. UIET is proud enough to have him as the Principal of the Institute. As an academic mentor, he is now leading the team of faculty at UIET, Diploma Engineering in the path of achieving the vision and mission. He directs the students to actively participate in the programs to strengthen their competence and to win the opportunity.

Utkal Institute of Engineering and Technology (UIET). Is aimed at to produce technocrats with a healthy environment for the students to learn something special. We are determined to impart quality education by the promising attitude of management members and whole hearty effort & support of staff members. Our aim is to create quality technocrats who must bring the pride for our institution as well as nation.  

Members of Society

Name Designation
Pratap Chandra Samantaray Chairman
Manamaye Samantaray Trustee
Sarojini Samantaray Trustee
Basudev Jena Trustee

Members of Governing Body

Name Designation
Pratap Chandra Samantaray Chairman
Manamaye Samantaray Member
Sarojini Samantaray Member
Basudev Jena Member
Ugrasen Samantaray Member
Kishore Chandra Parida Member
Dr. Birakishore Saraf Member
Dr. Ashok Mishra Member
Dr. Manoj Mishra Member
Dr. Muralidhar Swain Member
Bibhuti Bhusan Patra Member
Dr. Bhabagrahi Biswal Member
Dasaratha Nayak Member
Kedarcharan Nayak Member
Principal UIET Ex. Officio Member Secretary


To develop and promote value based Technical Education.

To build the cadre of committed and competent Technical personalities.

To harness National resources in imbibing the Technical Man power in Nation building.

To manifest in creating new dimension in the realm of science, Technology and I.T.

To develop the Indian values of Honesty, Sincerity, trustworthiness and self confidence amongst the people.

To inculcate a true sense of achievement through research and consultancy in order to harness the knowledge and skill towards betterment of common people.


UIET has speculated the vision of developing harmonious, self actualizing technical oriented personalities having the motto to fit into humanitarian value and attitude based responsibilities to aspire to Nation building.


UIET is the introspection of the Chheta Devi Educational and Charitable Trust founded under the auspicious patronage of Sri Pratap Chandra Samantray, the eminent, notable, sociologist of the area. The Trust is managed by the Trustee Cum Chairman efficiently assisted by the secretary of the trust coupled with the Administrative Officer. While the Trust enjoys the mega Management responsibilities in the wider arena, the micro attitude is centralized with the principal of UIET, desilting the current activities of the institute.


UIET has been established in an area of Ac 5.0404 decimals. The campus accomplishes with the laboratories, workshop to satisfy the practical needs of the students. An inmate of UIET team has the prosperity of the feelings of independence, self dependence, self actualization with in the Campus.


Keeping the basic amenities in view, UIET has left no stone unturned in providing infrastructure facilities to the residential scholars. Separate Hostel Accommodation for ladies and gents students have been arranged with all modern amenities, inclusive of boarding.

Our Faculties